The SPICE Model - Design Process
S –Situation
P – Problem
I – Investigation
C – Construction
E – Evaluation
Situation (Scenario)
The situation gives the frame of reference for the design brief or problem. This sets the stage for the activity and helps to provide a context for the design problem. The situation should be a creative story. Write situations that are as real as possible while maintaining an element of creativity. The situations should be written so they are open-ended and allow for a variety of solutions.
Problem (Design Brief)
The design brief is a short statement indicating what is to be designed and made. A detailed design brief also states any restrictions and/or requirements placed on the design (e.g., materials, size, cost, time allotted, and processes to be used). The design brief is developed in conjunction with the situation.
During this stage, students incorporate a variety of idea generation and information gathering techniques to learn more about the problem and a possible solution. Brainstorming a variety of possibilities and consult reference materials for further ideas. Sketching ideas for solutions and including annotations as needed to help explain how the solution works and is fabricated is crucial. During the investigation phase consideration should be given to such factors as cost, size, availability of materials, appearance, functionality, ergonomics, and safety considerations while ensuring that all requirements of the design brief are met.
Once a list of ideas are compiled the best possible solution to the problem is selected/applied. This is the phase when “making” occurs. It’s also a prototyping phase or beta testing phase.
During this final phase, the constructed product (prototype/beta site/beta app/beta) is evaluated against the design criteria. If it meets the criteria then final construction of the product occurs. If it fails to meet the requirements, it is important to return to the investigative phase and choose another solution or modify the existing one. The new solution must be constructed and tested again to ensure the design brief requirements have been satisfied.